Thank You to Our 2022 Sponsors!
We are so grateful for our friends in the community who have supported the vision of ACMF. Please see our sponsors below. The festival would not be possible without their help and support.
Corporate Sponsors
Berryville Graphics
2022 Festival Commission: Judith Ring
Grant Support
Our concerts in West Virginia are sponsored in part by Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation’s Detlev and Mary Ellen Preissler Fund for the Arts, Music, Design, and Nature
This program is presented with financial assistance from the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, and the National Endowment for the Arts, with approval from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts.
The 2022 Strings Chamber Music Camp for students is made possible in part by the Associated Chamber Music Players
Individual Giving
Artist's Circle
Lew Freeman and Gretta Sandberg
In Memory of Peggy and Bob Allen
Festival Supporters
Julia Allen
Don Gomes
Patricia Harrell
Albert and Carol Hunt
Dr. S. Bailey Shurbutt, Center for Appalachian Studies
Susan Tertell
Michael Allen and Victoria Farrugio
Eileen Davis
Ellsworth Music Supply & Repair
Storm DiCostanzo and Gillian McPhee
William Taylor Fithian
Alison Gibson
Amber Gordon
David and Leah Rampy
Mary Ellen Schehl
Stephen Washington
Mary Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Welsh
Marcia Flanigan and Thomas Small
Megan Gallagher
Col. and Mrs. James A. Thomas, Jr.
Henry Willard
James Wiltshire
Stephen Ayraud
Mary Bellamy
Judith Cain
Chris Craig
Faye Davenport
Anne Devere-Ditto
Cindy Emmans
Patrice Flynn
Victoria and James Hilton
Paul and Avis Hodge
Ann Kobylsi
Timothy Mertens
Silvie M. O'Brien
Ren and Pam Parziale
Wanda Perry
Stephen Skinner
In Appreciation
Partners & Volunteers
Shepherd University
Town of Hillsboro, VA
Franklin Park Arts Center
Friends of Happy Retreat
Harpers Ferry-Bolivar Historic Town Foundation
Special Thanks
Zan and Deborah Fleming
Steve Gainey
St. James Catholic Church, Charles Town